For Residents

101+ Things To Do

Some of Our Favorite Things to do in Stanislaus County

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91 - 101


Harvest your own food with a you-pick experience at OttVanderhelm, and R.A.M. you-pick farms.


Preserve your knowledge with a class on canning, pickling, cheese making or jams and jellies with the Gypsy Cowgirl and at Blooming Camp Ranch.


Hang Around Studio V for Aerial Pilates.


Set your sights on two local castles: Kasteel Noz, an event venue fashioned to look like a castle and historically-designated Hawke Castle.


Experience the DOMO Walls Event where international graffiti artists create murals while the public watches!


Say ‘cheese’ at a free tour of Hilmar Cheese or Oakdale Cheese & Specialties.


Grub on the go at a local food truck The Cupcake Lady, the Food Fix Truck, the taco trucks on 9th Street, Krepe Dog,  Taqueria Castillo, or Grub Hub in Downtown Modesto where trucks with all cuisine types look to tempt you daily, or visit Downtown Modesto Food Tour for a combination of delicious food.


Spread your wings at Modesto Aviation with flight lessons.


Slam some poetry at the Modesto Stanislaus Poetry Center.


Tackle the challenge of 10 pounds of ice cream with a few friends at La-Palooza Mountain of Ice Cream at the Ice Cream Company.